Are you assisting U.S. law enforcement with an investigation? Bennett Grossman can help you get a green card.

S, T & U visas are available for persons working with U.S. law enforcement in the investigation of criminal matters.

Although considered a nonimmigrant visa, recipients of U & S visas can also qualify to get a green card.

The U.S. places great importance in its law enforcement and is willing to award those that help investigate and prosecute criminals with immigration benefits.

Types of Law Enforcement-based Visas

S visa: Certain persons who provide critical, reliable information necessary to the successful investigation or prosecution of a criminal or criminal enterprise, aka the Informant visa.

T visa: Victims of human trafficking and their immediate family can remain and work in the U.S. if they agree to work with law enforcement by testifying against the perpetrators of the crime.

U visa: Victims of certain crimes who suffered mental or physical abuse and are helping law enforcement or government officials investigate and prosecute the criminal activity

Call Bennett Grossman for a FREE Consultation

The more you understand the immigration process and the importance of the proceedings, the more you can be involved in the solution. Bennett Grossman wants you to gain insight from the experience, no matter the outcome.

When you are searching for an attorney in the South Florida area, choose one who will help you in more ways than one.